a - z指数


Resources and frequently asked questions for current students.


  • Find available undergraduate and graduate courses with the 西北班级开放 工具.
  • 寻求简历、面试指导和更多访问方面的帮助 职业服务.



The 社会科学研究组 was formed to promote student understanding of research processes. Students have the opportunity to work with their colleagues in small groups in order to be actively involved in creating, 规划, and carrying out independent research projects under the supervision of a faculty mentor. Student projects may culminate in a presentation at an appropriate conference.


Individual faculty members often have projects with which students can be involved in collecting data or other aspects of the research process. If you are interested in working with an individual faculty member, please review the information on the faculty web pages to identify a faculty member with interests similar to 你的s. Then, contact the faculty member directly to inquire about opportunities.


The 健康科学与健康学院 at 网上赌博网站十大排行 upholds ethical practices in completing research. Research projects that you plan to present at a conference or publish need to be approved by the 网上赌博网站十大排行 院校检讨委员会. The link below will take you to the page for this committee.




A "good" advisor can be one of the most important relationships you have at college. A knowledgeable and concerned advisor is prepared to respond to certain college realities delineated by W. Habley(引用自《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》) & 克莱默,1995):

  • only 12% of beginning students expect to change majors-65-85% do;
  • only 2% of beginning students expect to fail a course-16% do;
  • only 8% of students expect to take extra time to finish their degree-60% do;
  • 只有1%的初学生打算退学——40%的人打算退学.


Former and present students have outlined certain characteristics they believe "good" advisors must possess. According to these students, an advisor can/may/should/must:

  • 让学生了解具体的学术要求;
  • assist in the establishment of and implementation of academic goals;
  • be knowledgeable of available resources, programs, facilities, and support services;
  • know the advisee's name and establish a friendly and caring, 但是专业, 与学生的关系;
  • 在整个学期都可以提供建议;
  • 在强调学生责任的同时提供指导;
  • 为人诚实、真诚、开朗、善于倾听;
  • 能够与学生就“生活”进行一般性的交谈.

What can you do to maximize 你的 relationship with 你的 advisor?

  • Be active in the advising process-make an effort to get to know 你的 advisor.
  • 寻找一个“好伴侣”.换句话说, select an advisor with whom you are "comfortable" and share common academic interests.
  • 列出你的问题和/或担忧 之前 与你的导师会面.
  • When you can, ask open-ended questions rather than those that can be answered with a "yes" or "no."
  • Most importantly, assume personal 责任 for 你的 academic career. 你的顾问只是一个顾问. 你的进步最终是 你的 责任.


  • Identify the faculty member who you would like to be 你的 advisor.
  • 从注册办公室获得“更换顾问”表格.
  • 在他/她的办公时间拜访教员. 如果他/她同意做你的顾问, get the necessary signature on the "change of advisor" form and take the form to the Registrar's Office.
  • Follow this same procedure if you would like to change advisors within the department. Your current advisor will not be offended if you would like to change advisors!


查看网上赌博网站十大排行的 Internships guide 或者是 实习常见问题页面 了解更多信息. 



The 独立学习 gives junior and senior psychology or sociology majors or minors the opportunity to conduct an intensive, 在他们选择的领域进行深入研究, subject to the permission and supervision of a faculty member and permission from the department chairperson.

An independent study may take the form of a research project. Any student interested in conducting undergraduate research should approach a faculty member who has interests similar to the student's (see the 目录 to find a list of the current research interests of faculty.)

学生可以选择精读课程. 像这样, a faculty member generates a reading list f或者是 student and together they decide how often they will meet to discuss the readings. This may be appropriate for a student interested in becoming an "expert" in some area of interest, or it may be an appropriate first step prior to conducting an undergraduate research project.

Students must have completed 13 hours toward the psychology or sociology major and must have at least junior status to be eligible for an independent study.










We encourage all applicants to apply for an assistantship when filing an application with the Graduate School. The 健康科学与健康学院 has a limited number of assistantships that are available to qualified graduate students, but a number of administrative assistantships are available elsewhere on campus. 你可能 在网上申请奖学金 在研究生院.

Graduate assistants work 20 hours per week and receive a full tuition waiver plus a competitive stipend. Notification of awards comes after students are selected for our program.